Canadian Index for Measuring Integration
How does your region perform in the Canadian Index for Measuring Integration (CIMI)?
This innovative and interactive tool allows you to measure the outcomes of immigrants in your region.
The first of its kind, this data-driven Canadian index examines four dimensions of immigrant integration in Canada to assess the gaps between immigrants and the Canadian-born population.
Explore National, Provincial, or City-Specific Data:
Why a Canadian Index?
The CIMI offers simplified rankings to showcase the realities of immigrant integration across Canada. These rankings are based on the outcome gap between immigrants and the Canadian-born population in each dimension. The smaller the gap between these two groups, the better the rank, and the closer we are to achieving parity, moving towards an inclusive society.
Ready to Interpret Empirical Evidence
Nearly 30 Years of Retroactive Tracking
Reliable & Up-to-Date Data
Framework You Can Trust Verified By Our Experts
Regional Profiles & Resources Ready for Download
About The Canadian Index for Measuring Integration
The key objective of the CIMI is to provide a credible framework for ongoing assessment of the state of immigrant integration in Canada.
COVID-19 Impacts
The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have undoubtedly influenced the integration outcomes of immigrants – both recent immigrants and established immigrants in Canada. In general, these groups have been more negatively affected by the COVID-19 crisis than those born in Canada, and these disparities create additional barriers to the integration process. Tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on immigrants relative to the Canadian-born population with empirical evidence and incorporating this into the CIMI is especially critical.
How to Use the CIMI?
This evidence-based tool is used to inform policy, service and program delivery as it relates to immigrant integration in Canada. It provides valuable guidance for the development and evaluation of policies and programs.
EXPLORE: National, Provincial and City-level data
DISCOVER: Immigration integration data & Rankings to find out where your region stands
COMPARE: How various regions perform relative to one another
DOWNLOAD: Regional profiles that situate immigrant outcomes vis-à-vis those of the Canadian-born population
Canada’s Immigrant Profile
What you see below is based on the 18-64 year old population from the Canadian Census for each year.
Immigrants include those who have been or are currently landed immigrants or permanent residents.