The CIMI is a much-needed resource for policymakers, researchers, settlement service provider organizations (SPOs) and local immigration partnerships across Canada.
The key objective of the CIMI is to provide a credible framework for ongoing assessment of the state of immigrant integration in Canada.
Integration is a dynamic process that we envision as an interaction between immigrants and non-immigrants along a metaphoric “two-way street.” Achieving integration requires that there be relative parity between immigrants and non-immigrants in several key areas (i.e., economic, social, civic and democratic participation, and health). Reducing disparities for societal participation and ensuring equitable access to services are also fundamental to achieving successful integration.
The CIMI as a measurement tool fills an existing knowledge gap by evaluating the outcomes of immigrants compared to the Canadian-born population from 18 to 64 years old. Immigrants include those who have been or are currently landed immigrants or permanent residents. Changes and trends overtime – as of 1991 – are assessed for all 10 provinces and 35 cities (census metropolitan areas) across the country.
CIMI users, with this readily-interpretable data, can design policies and programs as well as make decisions with evidence-based trends on the overall situation of immigrants across Canada.